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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

agricola, agricolaefarmer, noun, m. 1st
meme, pronoun, accusative
quidwhat, pronoun
saepeoften, adverb
amo, amare, amavi, amatumto love
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatumto think
debeo, debere, debui, debitumto owe, ought
do, dare, dedi, datumto give
erro, errare, erravi, erratumto wander, to err
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatumto praise
moneo, monere, monui, monitumto remind, to advise
salveo, salvereto be well
servo, servare, servavi, servatumto preserve, to save
terreo, terrere, terrui, territumto frighten
valeo, valere, valui, valiturumto be strong, to be well
video, videre, vidi, visumto see
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatumto call
fama, famaerumor, fame
forma, formaeform, shape
fortuna, fortunaefortune, luck
ira, iraeanger
nauta, nautaesailor
patria, patriaefatherland
pecunia, pecuniaemoney
philosophia, philosophiaephilosophy, love of wisdom
poena, poenaepunishment
poeta, poetaepoet
porta, portaegate, door
puella, puellaegirl
rosa, rosaerose
sentenita, sententiaefeeling, thought, opinion
vita, vitaelife
antiquus, antiqua, antiquumancient, old
magnus, magna, magnumlarge, great
meus, mea, meummy, mine
multus, multa, multummuch, many
tuus, tua, tuumyour
estis (3rd person singular)
ager, agrifield
amicus, amicifriend
femina, feminaewoman
filia, filiaedaughter
numerus, numerinumber
populus, populipeople
puer, pueriboy
sapientia, sapientiaewisdom
vir, viriman
avarus, avara, avarumgreedy
pauci, paucae, paucafew
Romanus, Romana, RomanumRoman
dedown from, from (preposition + ablative)
inin (preposition + ablative)
habeo, habere, habui, habitumto have
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatumto satisfy
basium, basiikiss
bellum, belliwar
consilium, consiliiplan
cura, curaecare, attention
donum, donigift
exitum, exitiidestruction
magister, magistri (magistra, magistrae)teacher
mora, moraedelay
oculus, oculieye
officium, officiiduty
otium, otiileisure
periculum, periculidanger
remedium, remediiremedy, cure
bellus, bella, bellumpretty, handsome
bonus, bona, bonumgood
humanus, humana, humanumhuman
malus, mala, malumbad, wicked
parvus, parva, parvumsmall, little
stultus, stulta, stultumfoolish
verus, vera, verumtrue
iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutumto help
sum, esse, fui, futurumto be
adulescentia, adulescentiaeyouth
animus, animisoul, spirit
caelum, caelisky, heaven
culpa, culpaefault, blame
gloria, gloriaeglory, fame
verbum, verbiword
teyou (ablative and accusative)
liber, libera, liberumfree
noster, nostra, nostrumour, ours
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrumbeautiful, handsome
sanus, sana, sanumsound, healthy, sane
propteron account of, because of (preposition + accusative)