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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

CriticalA person who will find fault or have an opinion that something is wrong.
CongratulateTo give praise or good wishes for something that happened.
ComplimentingWhen you say something nice about someone.
CultivateImprove, develop, or make something better.
TormentorsPeople or things that cause pain.
CivilizationA society in which agriculture, trade, art, science and government are highly developed.
ComplexDifficult to understand or do.
ContradictedDisagreed with.
ShortageA lack of supply.
DeedsActs or actions.
InterpretYou explain its meaning and make it easier to understand.
ReconsiderYou think about something again.
HeroicA courageous act.
PosedYou held a position so that someone could paint or photograph you.
ResourcefulA person who is skilled in dealing with new or difficult situations.