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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

to supervise (but NOT kids/elderly), to oversee, to monitorüberwachen, beaufsichtigen
to supervise (kids or the elderly), to care take, to look afterbetreuen
yet again, once again (ex. It's that man yet again)schon wieder, wieder einmal, mal wieder, noch einmal, nochmal
once more (Ex. I like it. Do it once more)einmal mehr
the living room, (the parlor, the lounge, the sitting room)das Wohnzimmer, (die Wohnstube)
to exonerateentlasten
to relieve (from a burden), (to release)entlasten
short and sweet, in shortkurz und knapp
vice versaandersrum (ugs.), andersherum
the teenagerder Jugendlicher, die Jugendliche, der Teenager
to removeentfernen, (wegnehmen)
to exaggerateübertreiben
exaggerated, (overblown)übertrieben, (überzogen)
the illegal drug, the narcoticdie Droge, (das Rauschgift)
the legal drug, the pharmaceuticaldas Medikament, (das Arzneimittel)
the increaseder Anstieg, (die Steigerung, die Erhöhung)
the spike (ie huge sudden increase)die Steigerung
refined (ie classy person)raffiniert
demanding (ex. The work is demanding, This cream is for demanding skin), challenginganspruchsvoll
varied (The work is varied), diverse (ie change-able)abwechslungsreich
diverse (ex. a diverse group of people)vielfältig
the proponent, (the advocate)der Befürworter
dilapidated (building), run-down (building)baufällig, verfallen
the manufacturerder Hersteller, (der Produzent, der Fabrikant)
the producerder Produzent, (der Erzeuger)
the mold (in my bathroom is green)der Schimmel
to inspirebegeistern, (inspirieren, anregen, beflügeln)
to withstandüberstehen, aushalten, (standhalten, widerstehen)
to horrify, to appall, to shock (the conscience)entsetzen
bravemutig, (tapfer)
the bridgedie Brücke
the oathder Eid
to register (into a hotel or a website), to enrollanmelden, (registrieren)
to register (ie to record, to note)aufzeichnen, eintragen
the hint, the tip (for how to do sth better)der Hinweis, der Tipp
the danger, the hazarddie Gefahr
the riskdas Risiko
the threatdie Bedrohung, die Drohung
the audience (at a theater or movie, etc)das Publikum
cautiousbehutsam, (achtsam, vorsichtig)
carefulvorsichtig, achtsam
the occasion (the reason, the cause, the inducement)der Anlass, die Gelegenheit
to portray (in film)darstellen
under controlunter Kontrolle, im Griff
no matter what, regardless (Ex. Get it done, no matter what!)ganz gleich
One second (please)Moment!
to vote out (of office)abwählen
the revengedie Rache
to realizeerkennen, einsehen
to starestarren
to gazeanstarren
quirky, whimsical, bizarreskurril
to weigh (on a scale)wiegen
to weigh (ex. to consider the possibilities)abwägen
the rally (FOR sth)die Kundgebung, die Demo
the demonstration (in the streets)die Demonstration, die Demo
to disarmentwaffnen
to slip away (from sb or sth)entgleiten
the commemoration (ceremony), the remembrancedas Gedenken, die Gedenkfeier
to skip school, to cut class, to play hooky (from school)schwänzen
to skip work, to play hooky (from work)blaumachen
the drums (in a band...singular in German)das Schlagzeug (pl auf Englisch)
the businessmander Geschäftsmann
the remarkdie Bemerkung
the commentder Kommentar, (die Bemerkung)
to commentanmerken, kommentieren
to noticebemerken
to informmitteilen, informieren
thin, skinnydünn, mager
the tabloiddie Boulevardzeitung
graciousgütig, gnädig
mercifulbarmherzig, (gnädig)
the pardon (from a president)die Begnadigung
the shapedie Form, (die Gestalt)
the minority (group, ex. gays, Blacks)die Minderheit
the requestdie Bitte, (die Anfrage)
the inquirydie Anfrage
the flagdie Fahne, (die Flagge)
to commandbefehlen, (verfügen)
in this countryhierzulande
the tormentorder Peiniger
the consciencedas Gewissen
to get started, to get going (ie started)loslegen (ugs), anfangen
to take over, to assume (control)übernehmen
the scales, the scale, the Libradie Waage
the jokeder Witz, (der Scherz)
the failure (of an attempt)der Misserfolg, (der Reinfall (ugs))
the failure (of a part or machine)das Versagen
the failure (of power), the outageder Ausfall
otherwiseansonsten, (sonst, anderenfalls, andernfalls)