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level: Level 3

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level questions: Level 3

the dentistder Zahnarzt
to pretendvortäuschen, (vorgeben)
to exhibit (art show, gallery), (to show, to display, to issue (a critique))ausstellen
the questionnaireder Fragebogen
the sheet (of paper)das Blatt, (der Bogen)
the prayerdas Gebet
regrettable, unfortunatebedauerlich
the lap (on a track), the round (ex. in a boxing match), the bout (ex. of negotiations)die Runde
the bike rider, the cyclistder Radler
the disasterdie Katastrophe, das Unglück, der Supergau (ugs)
the festivaldas Festival, das Fest, die Festspiele (pl)
to blow (ex. a bubble, a trumpet, NOT by the wind)blasen
to blow (ex. the wind)wehen
firm, firmly, solid, tight, fixedfest
to promiseversprechen
to pledge (money or aid)zusagen
to swear (an oath or allegiance)schwören
the average (noun)der Durchschnitt, (der Mittelwert)
to be friends (2 words in German)befreundet sein
to point (a weapon at sb)richten
to point (a finger)zeigen
to POINT OUT, to identifyhinweisen
to indicate (as a matter of reasoning. Ex. Everything indicates your involvement)hindeuten
to displayanzeigen
obese (even heavier than übergewichtig)fettleibig
to announce (at the airport, on the radio, etc)ansagen
the cost (plural in German)die Kosten (sing auf Englisch)
the expensedie Kosten, (die Ausgabe)
dirtyschmutzig, (dreckig (ugs), verschmutzt)
wide awakehellwach
the suit (that a man wears)der Anzug
the heart attackder Herzinfarkt
confident, (sanguine)zuversichtlich
self-confidentselbstsicher, selbstbewusst
on the internetIm Internet
the success storydie Erfolgsgeschichte
the short message service (i.e. Twitter)der Kurzbotschaftsdienst
by mail, by postauf dem Postweg
the dilemma, the quandarydas Dilemma, die Zwickmühle
to convey (information that is not vague), (to relay, to deliver, to transmit)(Hint: starts with ü)übermitteln
to convey (an impression, idea, feeling, or other vague information)vermitteln
to lean (a ladder against a wall, a bike against a building), to leave ajaranlehnen
to decrease (ie to become smaller), to lose (weight)abnehmen
to slim downabspecken (ugs)
again and again, over and over, repeatedlyimmer wieder
to assault, (to raid)überfallen
to turn aroundherumdrehen, kehrtmachen, sich umdrehen
to support (sth figuratively)unterstützen, sich einsetzen, (befürworten)
to vacate, to evacuate, to clear (an area)räumen
the verdict, the judgmentdas Urteil
to defeatbesiegen
to conquererobern
to subduebezwingen
to stand out (i.e. to be conspicuous)auffallen
to prevent (sth, NOT averting it. Ex. I prevented a concussion by wearing a helmet), to inhibit (sth from happening)verhindern, (unterbinden)
to prevent (getting pregnant)verhüten
to punishbestrafen, (strafen, ahnden)
reasonablevernünftig, (zumutbar)
smoothly (ex. Everything went smoothly)problemlos, reibungslos
to fool (sb)täuschen, hereinlegen (ugs), reinlegen (ugs)
to perform (on a stage)aufführen
dull, boringlangweilig, (öd (ugs), öde)
to perform well, to do well, to come off wellgut abschneiden
the documentary (film)der Dokumentarfilm, die Doku
the brickder Ziegelstein, der Backstein, (der Ziegel)
the hallway, the hall, the corridorder Flur
to emphasizebetonen
the gapdie Lücke
to collect (money, rent, bribes)kassieren
the treatment (medical or otherwise)die Behandlung
the broomder Besen
the dustpandie Kehrschaufel
the radiodas Radio
the cousinder Cousin, die Cousine, (der Vetter, die Vetterin)
to researcherforschen, (forschen)
another, otherandere
the resident (in an apartment)der Bewohner
the resident (in a house)der Anwohner
to hinderhindern
the earthquakedas Erdbeben, das Beben
the tropical stormder Tropensturm
the east coastdie Ostküste
the west coastdie Westküste
to queue, to stand in lineanstehen, Schlange stehen, in der Schlange stehen, sich anstellen
to itchjucken
to attract (in a positive way or neutral way, ie no catch)anziehen
the cardboard boxder Pappkarton, (der Karton)
the pool (that you swim in)das Schwimmbecken, (das Becken)
to accelerate, to expeditebeschleunigen
the handleder Griff, (der Handgriff)
the door knobder Türknauf
the door handleder Türgriff, (die Türklinke)
the search enginedie Suchmaschine
air conditionedklimatisiert
to apologizesich entschuldigen
to excuseentschuldigen
the enjoyment (to your intellect)das Vergnügen
the obstacledas Hindernis