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level: Level 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 4

the enjoyment (to your senses)der Genuss
to apply (for approval...ex. for a vaccine)beantragen
to call upon (sb to do sth...ex. to stay at home during dangerous weather, the authorities to respond with reinforcements)auffordern
to call (on the phone)anrufen
to come through (for sb)sich einsetzen
the yeastdie Hefe
to benefit, (to profit)profitieren
the attentiondie Aufmerksamkeit, (die Achtung)
bad, not goodschlecht
bad (with dire consequences...ex. a bad wound), seriously badschlimm
not at all (ex. I am not at all happy...2 words in German)gar nicht
upset (ie angry)verärgert
furious, iratewütend
Which (ie as the subject of a sentence)welcher, welche, welches
lousymies (ugs), (lausig)
the end (ex. of an object or physical process)das Ende
the conclusion (ie the end...the conclusion of the meeting, performance, or process)der Schluss
the graduation, the degree, the finish, the closingder Abschluss
to voice (ie. to express), to utteräußern
to express (an opinion)ausdrücken
the joint (ex. ankle, wrist, elbow, knee....joint pain)das Gelenk
frozengefroren (adj)
the heat thunderstormdas Hitzegewitter
to surpriseüberraschen
to speed (in traffic)rasen, bretteln, (rasch fahren)
to heatheizen
to warm, to warm uperwärmen
to catch a coldsich erkälten
to discussbesprechen
to arguestreiten, argumentieren, (erörtern)
one-time (ie former...ex. He was the one-time prime minister)einstig
to live througherleben
to experienceerfahren
to rear (children), to raise (children), to nurse, to educate (children)großziehen
to govern (ex. a country)regieren
secret (adj), clandestinegeheim, (heimlich)
the most (ex. I like that one the most)am meisten
the best (ex. I like that one the best)am besten
Most people (subject of a sentence)Die meisten Leute, Die meisten Menschen
two months agovor zwei Monate
for three months (ex. I've been playing for three months)seit drei Monate
to convinceüberzeugen
the lawdas Gesetz
shortly before, on the brink, about tokurz davor
to be in the middle of, just, to be in the act of doing, to be just doing (2 words in German... I was just in the middle of writing a letter)gerade dabei
indifferent (ex. She is indifferent to me)gleichgültig
randomzufällig, (wahllos)
initially, first, at first, first of allzunächst
nowherenirgendwo, (nirgends)
elsewhere, somewhere else (Ex. He can go somewhere else)anderswo
to raise (ex. They will raise the price)erhöhen, (erheben)
to elevateanheben
to look aroundsich umschauen
to stop (doing sth)aufhören
to stop (literally. Ex. The car stopped)anhalten
in my opinion (lit. according to my opinion)Meiner Meinung nach
the substance, the cloth, (the fabric, the material)der Stoff
the fabricdas Gewebe, (der Stoff)
the materialdas Material
the cushiondas Polster
the incomedas Einkommen, (die Einnahme)
next door (prep...ex. They live next door)nebenan
the boy next storeder Nachbarsjunge, (der Junge von nebenan)
to tolerate (sth you eat...Ex. I can't tolerate milk)vertragen
to tolerate (the heat, noise, pain), to be able to bear, to bear, to standertragen
the classroomdas Klassenzimmer
intentional, intentionally, deliberate, deliberatelyabsichtlich
the potato chipsdie Kartoffelchips
the major (at school/college...ex. What's your major? Biology)der Studiengang, der Hauptfach
genuine, (true, authentic)echt
the progressder Fortschritt
the education (up until college)die Bildung
the education (after college or in a trade school)die Ausbildung
the education (from your parents), the upbringingdie Erziehung
to teach (informally and/or kids)unterrichten
to teach (formally and/or adults or at a university)lehren
to form (ex. a sentence)bilden
the age (of sb or sth)das Alter
to electwählen, (auswählen, küren)
to fluctuate, to vacillate, (to vary)schwanken
the sneezedas Niesen
the oral contraceptive pill, the birth control pilldie Antibabypille
the contraceptiondie Verhütung
the purposeder Zweck
the intentiondie Absicht
to steam (cook...Ex. vegetables)dampfgaren
the accent (on a particular syllable)die Betonung
the accent (ex. You sound like you're from Berlin)der Akzent
several (ie, just a few)mehrere
shy (ex. a shy person)schüchtern
to leave (a message)hinterlassen
to leave behind (sb or sth)zurücklassen, hinterlassen
to persuadeüberreden, (überzeugen)
about (ie approx...ex. about 6 feet tall)ungefähr, etwa
approximately, circazirka