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level: Level 5

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 5

to suppose (ex. I suppose it could happen)vermuten
it's all the same, whatever, no matter, never mind (one word)egal
equal, same, (similar)gleich
to stick to, to obey (the rules)sich anhalten
the factder Fakt, die Tatsache
in facttatsächlich
to employ (sb)anstellen
to hire (sb)einstellen
depressed (ie I feel depressed)niedergeschlagen
harmlessungefährlich, harmlos
beyondjenseits, außerhalb
outside (ie outdoors)draußen
outside (of sth else...ex. outside the box)außerhalb
inside (ie indoors)drinnen, drin (ugs)
inside (of sth else...ex. inside the box)innerhalb
due to, because ofwegen
to bounce (a ball)aufspringen
to crash (into sth)prallen
to crash into each otherzusammenstoßen
to bounce (but not a ball), to clash (ex. clothes), to collideprallen
the contestdas Gewinnspiel
to be in good shape (ie physically fit)gut in Form sein
to existexistieren, (bestehen)
to insist, to consist of, (to exist)bestehen
to causeverursachen
to stroke (ex. sb's hair)streichen
to brush (ex. crumbs off of a table)streichen
to paint (a wall)streichen
to paint (a picture)malen
than ever (ex. hotter than ever)als je
the arrangement (ie. informal deal)die Abmachung
the arrangement (ex. of the furniture)die Anordnung
to found (a company)gründen
different (from WITHIN a set...ex. My sister and I are different from each other)unterschiedlich
different (from ANOTHER set...Ex. I tried different things from you)anders
the breakthroughder Durchbruch
the side effectdie Nebenwirkung
the timetable (in general...ex. to get things done)der Zeitplan
the timetable (at a train station or airport, etc)der Fahrplan
to combine (ingredients in a recipe)vermengen
to combine (in general, NOT in a recipe)kombinieren
the squid, the octopusder Tintenfisch
to take a bitereinbeißen (ugs)
the confectioner, the pastry chefder Konditur
the makeup (cosmetics)das Schminken
to apply makeupsich schminken
to booausbuhen (ugs)
to ring (a bell...ex. telephone too)klingeln
to chimeläuten
the plain text, the clear textder Klartext
the twentieth centurydas zwanzigste Jahrhundert
at the latestspätestens
the loafder Laib
to feel attracted to, to be attracted tohingezogen fühlen
to perish (ie people, NOT fruit)umkommen
exciting (in a thrilling way...ex. skydiving)aufregend
exciting (in an interesting, I-didn't-expect-that sort of way...ex. movie)spannend
to expire (ex. driver's license, an agreement, a term of office)auslaufen
to expire (ie time)ablaufen
the sudden ideader Einfall
the imagination, the introduction (to sb new), (the notion)die Vorstellung
the hunchdie Ahnung
the ideadie Idee
the checkmarkdas Häkchen
the application (of an idea...ex. the application of digital technology to photography)die Anwendung
the crumbder Krümel
the breadcrumbs (used to bread meat)das Paniermehl
the habit (that is bad...ex. biting your nails)die Angewohnheit
the habit (that is not necessarily bad...ex. checking the locks before you go to bed)die Gewohnheit
to protect (generally or vaguely...Ex. Politician wants to protect free speech)schützen
to protect (directly and tangibly...Ex. your password, The mama bear will protect her young)beschützen
to adviseberaten
to lockabschließen, (absperren)
to unlockaufschließen
to block (traffic)sperren
to bar, to lock outaussperren
to confinebeschränken, (einsperren)
to throw away (in a bin or other targeted place)wegwerfen
to throw away (and you don't care where it ends up), to chuckwegschmeißen (ugs)
loyalergeben (Adj)
the clientder Mandant, (der Klient)
the customerder Kunde
to calculate (in general...ex. to add, to subtract, etc)rechnen
to calculate (to answer a question...ex. Calculate the bill)berechnen
wheneverwann immer
the trainder Zug
the tug, the drag (of cigarette), the gulp (of soda)der Zug
the move (in a game)der Zug
to disagreewidersprechen
the half (ex. the western half of the country)die Hälfte
second to none, the very bestallerbeste
to preheatvorheizen