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level: regulation of body fluids

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level questions: regulation of body fluids

the fluid environment that bathes the cells (extracellular fluid) composed of the interstitial fluid and blood.internal environment
the elimination of metabolic wastes including nitrogenous wastes produced from the breakdown of proteins; this process also helps in the regulation of water and ion balance.excretion
the movement of water from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration across a selectively permeable membrane.osmosis
describes the total solute concentration expressed in milliosmoles per liter of solution (mOsm/L).osmolarity
These narrow tubes carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.two ureters
This triangle-shaped, hollow organ is located in the lower abdomen.bladder
This tube allows urine to pass outside the body.urethra
lie against the posterior abdominal wall and underneath the 12th ribkidnneys
interior of the kidney consists of two regionsrenal cortex and renal medulla
the microscopic functional units of the kidneynephrons
The first step in the creation of urine from blood plasma occurs in the glomerulus as water and small solutes filter out of the blood and into the surrounding space of Bowman’s capsuleGlomerular Filtration
The resulting filtrate contains waste, but also other substances the body needs: essential ions, glucose, amino acids, and smaller proteins.Tubular Reabsorption
The urine flows out of the nephron tubule into a collecting duct.tubular secretion
network of tubules that lack internal openings but have external openings at the body surface called nephridiopores such as in the flatworm, Dugesia.Protonephridia or Flame Bulb System
the excretory tubules of insects and other terrestrial arthropods attached to their digestive tractmalpighian tubules
the excretory tubule of most annelids and adult mollusks;Metanephridia
composes 2% of urineurea
composes 95% of urinewater
what is the percentage of dissolved slats and other ions in the urine2.8%
percentage of creatinine, ammonia and uric acid0.2%