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level: food

Questions and Answers List

level questions: food

french toastle pain perdu
grapedu raisin
a pearune poire
a peachune pêche
a cherryune cerise
a watermelonune pastèque
a melonun melon
a strawberryune fraise
a blackberryune mûre
a bananaune banane
a mangoune mangue
a pineappleun ananas
a guavaune goyave
a passion fruitun fruit de la passion
a papayaune papaye
a lemonun citron
the potatola patate
the carrotla carrote
the turniple navet
cauliflowerle chou-fleur
broccolile brocoli
lettucela salade
bell pepperle poivron
the tomatola tomate
beanles haricots