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level: Level 11

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 11

price, cost値段 (ねだん)
desire, wish願い (ねがい)
to desire, to wish願う (ねがう)
age, era, period年代 (ねんだい)
whole year, all year round年中 (ねんじゅう)
years (period of)年間 (ねんかん)
age, years年齢 (ねんれい)
tropics熱帯 (ねったい)
mouse, rat鼠 (ねずみ)
to suit, to match似合う (にあう)
ordinary, everyday日常 (にちじょう)
daytime, during the day日中 (にっちゅう)
date and time​日時 (にちじ)
day and night, always, constantly日夜 (にちや)
poor at, weak in苦手 (にがて)
to grip, to grasp握る (にぎる)
Japan日本 (にほん)
sunlight日光 (にっこう)
smile, grinにっこり
human being, person人間 (にんげん)
popularity人気 (にんき)
the number of people​人数 (にんずう)
schedule, program日程 (にってい)
plain, field野 (の)
to grow long伸ばす (のばす)
to state, to express述べる (のべる)
to stretch, to extend伸びる (のびる)
eaves軒 (のき)
remnant, residue残り (のこり)
to leave (behind)残す (のこす)
carefree, at leisureのんびり
to place on乗せる (のせる)
talent, gift, function能 (のう)
agriculture農業 (のうぎょう)
farmer, farm family農家 (のうか)
farmers, peasants農民 (のうみん)
ability能力 (のうりょく)
to exclude, to except除く (のぞく)
hope, desire, wish望み (のぞみ)
to desire, to wish for望む (のぞむ)
to come out, to fall out抜ける (ぬける)
to extract, to omit抜く (ぬく)
cloth布 (ぬの)
entering school, matriculation入学 (にゅうがく)
hospitalisation入院 (にゅういん)
entrance, admission入場 (にゅうじょう)
input, (data) entry​入力 (にゅうりょく)
joining a company入社 (にゅうしゃ)
to drown溺れる (おぼれる)
obi, kimono sash帯 (おび)
to calm down, to compose oneself落ち着く (おちつく)
calm, gentle, quiet穏やか (おだやか)
to finish終える (おえる)
old age, old person老い (おい)
bow, bowingお辞儀 (おじぎ)
hill, height丘 (おか)
open sea沖 (おき)
to occur, to happen起こる (おこる)
inner part奥 (おく)
to give (as a gift)贈る (おくる)
mainly, primarily主に (おもに)
memories思い出 (おもいで)
unintentionally思わず (おもわず)
diaper, nappyおむつ
favour, debt of gratitude恩 (おん)
warm, mild温暖 (おんだん)
temperature温度 (おんど)
demon鬼 (おに)
hot spring​温泉 (おんせん)
to catch up with追い付く (おいつく)
heavy rain​大雨 (おおあめ)
large, larged-size大型 (おおがた)
very, much, greatly大いに (おおいに)
to cover, to conceal覆う (おおう)
landlord, landlady大家 (おおや)
heavy snow​大雪 (おおゆき)
to lower, to drop下す (おろす)
to take down, to unload降ろす (おろす)
to dedicate, to supply収める (おさめる)
very young, childish幼い (おさない)
to restrain, to control抑える (おさえる)
pollution, contamination汚染 (おせん)
chattering, talkお喋り (おしゃべり)
the end, closingおしまい
recommendation, suggestionおすすめ
to be inferior to劣る (おとる)
perhaps, likely恐らく (おそらく)
to fear, to be afraid of恐れる (おそれる)
terrible, dreadful恐ろしい (おそろしい)
mutualお互い (おたがい)
obedient, docile, quiet​おとなしい
to chase, to run after追う (おう)
application, enlistment応募 (おうぼ)
aid, assistance, help応援 (おうえん)
making a round trip往復 (おうふく)
king, ruler王/王様 (おう/おうさま)
crossing, traverse横断 (おうだん)
prince王子 (おうじ)
to respond, to comply応じる (おうじる)
putting to practical use​応用 (おうよう)