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level: allen exersices

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level questions: allen exersices

which is an analgesic drugcodeine and morphine
who is called the father of surgerysusruta
the pain killer aspirin is also related withantipyretic, hypotensive drug and anticoagulant
an excessive elargement of a diseased organ due to an increase in the number of cells in calledhyperplasia
antigen isantibody production stimulating agent
which is correct sequence of events of inflammation or phaogocytosisvasodilation-->adhesion-->emigration-->chemotaxis-->phagocytosis
D.P.T. vaccine is a example ofactive immunity
nobel prize for passive immunity was awarded tovon behring
which antibody is called secretory antibodiesIgE
at the time of birth presence of which antibody indicates the infection of foetus(intrauterine infection)IgM
colostrum, the first milk secretion of mammary gland is rich in immunoglobinIgA
an antibody is amolecule that specifically reacts with an antigen
BCG vaccine is a preventive measure againsttuberculosis
during deficiency of folic acid the number of leucocytes fall considerable and then the disease or condition is calledleucopenia
vishuchika in ayurveda is calledAIDS
thalassemia is due todecreased synthesis of beta-polypeptide chain of haemoglobin
lock jaw is associated withopisthotonus, risus sardonicus and clostridium
multi drug therapy is given inleprosy
ciprofloxacin drug is uneffective inpneumonia
schick test is associated withcomebacterium diptheriae
causative agent of french fox (syphilis)treponema pallidum
V.D.R.L. test is done insyphilis
bradycardia, high fever, anorexia is found intyphoid
dengue fever is transmitted byaedes aegypti
which safe vaccine is used in polio programelive vaccine
most common cause of jaundicehepatitis-A virus
mumps affect which part of the bodyparotid gland and testis
tourniquet test is one inbreak bone fever
dew drop like appearance on trunk is caused by which virusvericella virus
which one of the following is the correct statement regarding the particular psychotropic drug specifiedhashish cause altered thought perceptions and hallucinations
street virus affectsC.N.S.
myasthenia gravis is due toautoantibody
radiation is health hazard because it can causeleukaemia
which is a cancerous tumourmalignant tumour
common type of tumour in world (male)pulmonary cancer
causative factor of cancer is calledcarcinogens
autoimmunity against the synovial membrane at joint is calledrheumatoid arthritis
in drunk person, the part of brain to be affected iscerebellum
which is a mental disorderneurosis
effects of nicotine on human body includerelease of adrenaline and hence increased blood pressure and heart beat stimulation of nerve impulse and relaxation decreased foetal growth
LSD is obtained fromclaveceps