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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

tocopherol stands forvitamin E
the contraction of gall bladder is due tocholecystokinin
liver in our body storesit stores vitamins as A, D, E, K and B12
which of the following has minimun pHgastric juice
wharton's duct is the duct ofsubmaxillary gland
the nutritional deficiency condition that needs to be given top priority for remedial action in india today isxerophthalmia
consumption of fish is considered to be healthy when compared to flesh of other animals because when compared to flesh of other animals, fish containspolysaturated fatty acids
the normal temperature of human body on the kelvin scale is310
if for some reason the parietal cells of the gut equilibrium become partially non-functional, what is likely to happenprotiens will not be adequetely hyrolysed by pepsin into proteoses and peptones
chymotrypsin can digestcasein
please label all theseA-cystic duct, B- bile duct, C-pancreatic duct, D-hepatopancreatic duct
enterokinase iscomponent of intestinal juice
small intestine: starch is turned into maltose using which enzymealpha amylase
chylomicrons are concerned withabsorption of fats
ptyalin, is secreted bysalivary gland
trypsin is secreted bypancreas
stomach is the site for the digstion of mainlyprotien
pepsinogen is converted to pepsin bylow pH
trypsin differs from pepsin in that it digestsprotien in alkaline medium in duodenum
lactose composed ofglucose and galactose
hydrolysis of lipid yieldsfatty acids and glycerol
peyer's patches producelymphocyte
islets of langerhans areductless glands in pancreas
insulin is secreted by pancreaticbeta cells
the enzyme invertase hydrolasesucrose into glucose and fructose
digestion of carbohydrate is affected byamylopsin
lower molars in human dentition havetwo roots
enamel part of tooth is secreted byameloblast and ectodermal
which of the following can be taken as true stomach in ruminantsabomasum
middle part of oesophagus in human beings is calledboth voluntary and involuntary
secretin hormone is produced inintestine and stimulates pancreatic glands
cholestrol is synthesized inliver
meat, milk and eggs mainly helps us withthe protien part of the diet
crypts of lieberkuhn are found in between the villi. they secretesuccus entericus
wharton's duct is associated withsubmandibular gland
small amount of glucose and amino acids are absorbed bysimple diffusion
diastema isspace in teeth lines in mammals
succus entericus is secreted bycrypts of lieberkhun and brunner's gland
the hormone involved in the discharge of enzymatic pancreatic juice in mammals is calledCCK
function of HCl in stomachkill microbes, faciliate absorbtion of iron and curdling of milk
deficiency of vitamin A causesretarded growth
vitamin K is required forsynthesis of prothrombin in liver required for blood clotting
vitamin promoting wound healing isC
in both chordates and non-chordates intestine develops fromendoderm
which one of the following hormone inhibits the secretion of gastric juiceenterogastrin
in whose milk percentage of lactose is highesthuman mother
inhibition of gastric and stimulation of gastric , pancreatic and bile secretion are controlled byenterogastrin, gastrin, panncreozymin and CCK
are bile salts absorbed in ileumoui
hormone which controls the secretion of intestinal juice isenterocrinin and duo-crinin
is sucrose a disacchrideoui madame
if all the peptide bonds of protien are broken, then the remaining part isamino acid