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level: Level 15

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 15

vacuum cleaner​掃除機 (そうじき)
noise騒音 (そうおん)
operation, management操作 (そうさ)
leaving early​早退 (そうたい)
considerable, suitable相当 (そうとう)
succession, inheritance相続 (そうぞく)
imagination, guess想像 (そうぞう)
secretly, gentlyそっと
nest, hive巣 (す)
everything, all全て (すべて)
tip, top, end, close末 (すえ)
figure, form, shape姿 (すがた)
muscle筋 (すじ)
to pass (time)過ごす (すごす)
to surpass, to excel優れる (すぐれる)
level, standard水準 (すいじゅん)
sleep睡眠 (すいみん)
recommendation, referral推薦 (すいせん)
to rescue from救う (すくう)
to finish済ませる (すませる)
sharp, pointed鋭い (するどい)
to advance, to promote進める (すすめる)
to recommend勧める (すすめる)
lovely, beautiful素敵 (すてき)
numeral, figure, digit数字 (すうじ)
bundle, bunch束 (たば)
travel, trip, journey旅 (たび)
often, again and again度々 (たびたび)
perhaps, probably多分 (たぶん)
standpoint, position立場 (たちば)
to stand up立上る (たちあがる)
ordinary, free of charge唯 (ただ)
at once, immediately直ちに (ただちに)
mutual, reciprocal互い (たがい)
attitude, manner態度 (たいど)
majority, more than half大半 (たいはん)
arrest, apprehension逮捕 (たいほ)
physical education体育 (たいいく)
gymnasium体育館 (たいいくかん)
(body) weight​体重 (たいじゅう)
convention, tournament大会 (たいかい)
atmosphere大気 (たいき)
tedium, boredom退屈 (たいくつ)
body temperature体温 (たいおん)
flatness, level平ら (たいら)
continent大陸 (たいりく)
physical strength, stamina体力 (たいりょく)
large quantity, mass大量 (たいりょう)
great war, great battle大戦 (たいせん)
ambassador大使 (たいし)
considerable, great大した (たいした)
target, object対象 (たいしょう)
gymnastics, physical exercises体操 (たいそう)
to face (each other)対する (たいする)
mostly, usually大抵 (たいてい)
sun, solar太陽 (たいよう)
staying, sojourn滞在 (たいざい)
treasure宝 (たから)
ball, sphere, globe, bullet弾 (たま)
to be saved up (of money)​貯まる (たまる)
casually, unexpectedly偶々 (たまたま)
to save up (money)貯める (ためる)
trial, test試し (ためし)
to try out, to test試す (ためす)
seed, kind, variety種 (たね)
word, vocabulary単語 (たんご)
valley谷 (たに)
unit, denomination単位 (たんい)
quick temper, short temper​短気 (たんき)
another person, others他人 (たにん)
mere, simple, sheer単なる (たんなる)
simply, merely単に (たんに)
birth, creation誕生 (たんじょう)
simplicity, simple単純 (たんじゅん)
to enjoy (oneself)​楽しむ (たのしむ)
being in charge担当 (たんとう)
to bring down倒す (たおす)
to ascertain, to check確かめる (たしかめる)
more or less, somewhat多少 (たしょう)
to reach, to get to達する (たっする)
to save, to rescue助ける (たすける)
battle, fight戦い (たたかい)
to fight, to struggle戦う (たたかう)
to strike, to beat叩く (たたく)
the vertical, height縦 (たて)
to restore, to revive立て直す (たてなおす)
to pass, to lapse経つ (たつ)
news, tidings便り (たより)
to rely on頼る (たよる)
proposal, suggestion提案 (ていあん)
power outage, blackout停電 (ていでん)
degree, amount程度 (ていど)
fixed period, fixed term定期 (ていき)
resistance, opposition抵抗 (ていこう)
bus stop, tram stop停留所 (ていりゅうじょう)
stopping (of a train, car, etc.)停車 (ていしゃ)
set meal定食 (ていしょく)
presentation, submission提出 (ていしゅつ)
sleight of hand, magic手品 (てじな)
opponent, rival敵 (てき)