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level: Chapters XXVIII through XXXIII

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Chapters XXVIII through XXXIII

crines, crinium (m)hair
speculum, -i (n)mirror
neglegenter (adv)carelessly
vexatus, -a, -umannoyed
porcus, -i (m)pig
glis, gliris (m)dormouse
sella, -ae (f)sedan, chair
summa cleritatewith the greatest speed
consurso (1)to run to and fro
porto (1)to carry
delecto (1)to delight, to amuse
mendicus, -i (m)beggar
adstantes, adstantium (m pl)by standers
rixa, -ae (f)quarrel
finis, finis (m)end
libertus, -i (m)freedman
fumus, -i (m)smoke
recumbo, recumbere, recubuito recline, to lie down
aufugio, aufugere, aufugito run away, to escape
insula, -ae (f)island, apartment building
vis (f)force
incendium, -i (n)fire
incola, -ae (f)inhabitant, tenant
infirmus, -a, -umweak, shaky, frail
fenestra, -aewindow
ornamenta, -orum (n pl)furnishings
tam (adv)so
parvus, -a, -umsmall
tabulatum, -i (n)story, floor
paene (adv)almost
eicis, eicere, eieci, eiectusto throw out
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitusto seek, to ask for, to look for (quaeso = "please"
opprimo, opprimee, oppresi, oppressusto overwhelm
cachinnus, -i (m)laughter
lanius, -i (m)butcher
caro, carnis (f)meat
perna, -ae (f)ham
pretium, -i (n)price
quidem (adv)indeed
umquam (adv)ever
procax, procacisinsolent, pushy
autem (conj)however, but
multus, -a, -ummuch
punguis, -is, -efat
denarius, -i (m)denarius
immo (adv)rather, on the contrary
lepus, leporis (m)hare, rabbit
gratis (adv)free
recte (acd)rightly, properly
vero (adv)truly
pasco, pascere, pavi, pastusto feed, to pasture
addo, addere, addidi, additusto add
accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptusto receive, to get
comparo, (1)to buy, to obtain, to get ready
holus, holeris (n)vegetable
panis, panis (m)bread
ovum, -i (n)egg
malum, -i (n)apple
circum (prep + acc)around
regnum, -i (n)kingdom
inferi, -orum (m pl)the underworkd
candelabrum, -i (n)lamp stand
casu (adv)by chance
oleum -i (n)oil
stratum, -i (n)sheet, covereing
pallium, -i (n)cloak
iussa, -orum (n pl)orders
coquo, coquere, coxi, coctusto cook
affero, affere, attuli, allatusto bring in
everto, evertere, everti, erversusto overturn, upset
deicio, deicere, deieci, deictusto throw down
effundo, effundere, effudi, effusto pour out, to spill
complures, -esseveral, many
comiter (adv)courteously, politely
solea, -ae (f)sandal
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatusto carry away
accumbo, accumbere, accubui, accubiturusto recline (at table)
mulsum -i (n)sweet wine
ferculum, -i (n)dish, tray
gustatio, gustationes (f)first course
niger, nigra, nigrumblack
boletus, -i (m)mushroom
liquamen, liquaminis (n)fish sauce (garum)
aspersus, -s, -umsprinkled
pestilentia, -ae (f)plague
poculum, -i (n)cup, goblet
locus, -i (m)place
popina, -ae (f)tavern, bar, restaurant
edo, esse, edi esus (irreg)to eat
compleo, complere, complevi, completusto fill
irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptusto burst in
frustrum, -i (n)scrap
una (adv)together
ceteri, -ae, athe rest of, the others
Euge!hurray! well done!
coquus. -i (m)cook
uva, -ae (f)grape
passum. -i (n)raisin-wine
scindo, scinere scidi, scissusto cut
forte (adv)by chance
proximus, -a, -umnearest
luna, -ae (f)moon
tamquam (conj)just as if
meridie (adv)noon
situs, -a, -umsituated
inter (prep + acc)between, among
stela, -ae (f)tombstome
numero,(1)to count
vestimentum, -i (n)clothing
ululo (1)to howl
anima, -ae (f)soul, spirit, heart
nasus, -i (m)nose
lapideus. -a, -umof stone, stony
umbra, -ae (f)shadow, ghost
donec (adv)until
prius (adv)earlier
pecus, pecoris, (n)livestock
vulnero, (1)to wound
sanguis, sanguinis (m)blood
medicus _i (m)doctor
versipellis, verspillis (m)werewolf
postea (adv)afterward
gusto (1)to taste
exuo, exuere, exui, exutusto take off
procedo, procedere, processi, processurusto go forward
careo, carere, carui, cariturusto need, to lack (takes the ablative)
derideo, deridere, derisi, derisusto laugh at, to get the last laugh
vestis, vestis (f)clothes
ago, agere, egi, actumto do, to act
minuo, minuere, minui, minitusto lessen, to reduce, to decrease
triclinium, -i (n)dining room
reprehendo, reprehendere, preprehendi, reprehensusto blame, to scold