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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

non-fleshy fibrous, dense regular connective tissueStructure of tendon
connected to the radius and humerousBrochioradialis muscle
extends the elbow, weak extension of shoulderfunction of triceps
on the shoulder, causes flexion, extension and abduction of shoulder jointdeltiod muscle
a muscle that helps the same set of joint muscles as the agonistSynergist muscle
help to stabilise the joint during flexion, extension and abductionrotator cuff muscles function
wasting of musclemuscle atrophy
view picturestructure of muscle compartments
connects a bone to an adjacent bone/s to stabilise a jointligament definition
network of nerves that innervates all upper limb structures, originates from C5- T1what is the brachial plexus
innervates leg and thigh muscles and originates from spinal nerve roots L1-S4what is the lumbosacral plexus
view picturename all of the abdominal muscles
prosterior forarm, has tendons which extend the digitsextensor digitorum
a ring of muscle that contracts to close an opening, mostly composing of smooth muscle however can have skeletal if controlling movement of fluidsphincter muscle
attaches to the sternum, clavicle and mastiod processsternocleidomastiod
only attach to the trunk/axial and are not supplied from the limb nerve plexusTrunk muscles
very striated, nucleus on peripheralskeletal muscle structure
branching, round nucleicardiac muscle
long flat nuclei, lack of structure/striationsmooth muscle
motor neuron and the skeletal muscle it innovateswhat is a motor unit
damaged nerves in the posterior forearm musclewhat damaged muscle causes wrist drop
damaged nerves in the anterior leg musclewhat causes foot drop
view pictureName the different parts of the somatic nerve arc and if they are sensory/motor/mixed
ventral and dorsal ramiwhat do the mixed spinal nerves divide into?
The erector spinae muscle and the skin covering itwhat do the dorsal rami supply?
the intercostal muscles, oblique muscles, rectus abdominis and the skin overlying it (T7-12 supply the abdominal muscles)what do the ventral rami supply?
they lie below the rib of the same number i.e intercostal nerve 7 lies in the space below rib 7where do the intercostal nerves lie?
caries a mix on nerve fibres from different vertebral levels to the skinwhat is a cutaneous nerve
area of skin supplied by nerves from only on vertebral levelwhat is a dermatome
view picturethe dermatomes of the arm and neck
sternomanubrial jointwhat occurs in the midline of the trunk at dermatome T2?
nipplewhat surface features of the body are found at dermatome T4?
umbilicuswhat surface features of the body marks the dermatome T10?
groinIn what region of the body is the dermatome of L1 found?
endoneurium, perineurium, fasciculus, axon, epineuriumwhat is the structure of a nerve
a fatty white substance that surrounds the axon of some nerve cells forming an electrically insulating layerwhat is myelin?
secretes myelin and is wrapped around the axonwhat is a schwann cell
endoneuriumwhat surrounds individual axons?
PerineuriumWhat surrounds nerve fasicles?
EpineuriumWhat surrounds a nerve?