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level: Module #5

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Module #5

PrecipitationWater falling from the atmosphere as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
DistillationEvaporation and condensation of a mixture to separate out the mixture's individual components
Hydrologic CycleThe process by which water is continuously exchanged between earth's various water sources
Residence TimeThe average time a given particle will stay in a given system
FirnA dense, icy pack of old snow
PercolationThe process by which water moves downward in the soil, toward the water table
Cloud Condensation NucleiSmall airborne particles upon which water vapour condenses to form clouds
Adiabatic CoolingThe cooling of a gas that happens when the gas expands with no way of getting more energy
Water TableThe line between the water-saturated soil and the soil that is not saturated with water
SalinityA measure of the mass of dissolved salt in a given mass of water
CondensationThe process by which a gas turns into a liquid
TranspirationEvaporation of water from planets
HydrosphereThe sum of all water on a planet