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level: Level C

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level questions: Level C

Bydleli v malé chaloupce.They lived in a small cottage.
duboak tree
Krejčí často seděl pod stromem.The tailor often sat under the tree.
Seděl pod stromem, když usnul.He was siting under the tree when he fell asleep.
Zatímco spal, jeho manželka vyšla z domu.While he was sleeping, his whife came out of the house.
Vzbudila ho.She woke him up.
Řekla naštvaně.She said angrily.
Zatím co jsem spal...While I was asleep...
V mém snu hlas řekl:In my dream a voice said:
Nemůžeš všechno opustit a jít do Londýna.You can't leave everything and go to London.
Nebuďte hloupí.Don't be silly.
Avšak, krejčí si sbalil tašku a vyrazil do Londýna.However, the tailor packed his bag and set off to London.
Byla to dlouhá cesta.It was a long journey.
Dorazil do hlavního města.He arrived in the capital city.
V té době to byl jediný most přes řeku.It was the only bridge over the river in those days.
Nikdo s ním nemluvil.Nobody spoke to him.
Když šel po mostě, rozběhli se k němu dva chlapci.As he was walking along the bridge, two boys ran towards him.
Strčili do něj a ukradli mu tašku.They pushed him and stole his bag.
Pak utekli do davu lidí.Then they ran away into the crowd of people.
Měl jsem velmi málo peněz.I had very little money.
Krejčíř se posadil na chodník.The tailor sat down on the pavement.
Byl to jeden z obchodníků.It was one of the shopkeepers.
Zeptal se: Co děláš?He asked: What are you doing?
Řekl mu o svém snu.He told him about his dream.
Nebudu hledat ten strom.I'm not going to look for the tree.
Ani nevím, kde to je.I don't even know where it is.
Starý dubAn old oak tree
Když to uslyšel, vyskočil.When heard this, he jumped up.
No, kde je ten poklad?Well, where's the treasure?
Popadl rýč.He grabbed a spade.
Byla to dřevěná bedna.It was a wooden box.