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level: Level 1 of Chp 24

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Chp 24

熱狗règŏu hot dog
熱水rèshuǐ hot water
人家rénjiā people
人間rénjiān world
人口rénkǒu population
人類rénlèi Humanity
人們rénmen people
人民rénmín people
人人rénrén everyone
人數rénshù number of people
人物rénwù figure
rěn Tolerate
忍耐rěnnài endure
rèn recognize
認得rèndé recognize
任務rènwù Task
rēng Throw
réng still
仍然réngrán still
日出rìchū sunrise
日記rìjì journal
日子rìzi day
rú like
如此rúcǐ in this way
如下rúxià as follows
如意rúyì As one wishes
ruò weak
sǎn umbrella
shā kill
shài show
山區shānqū mountains
傷害shānghài harm
商品shāngpĭn commodity
商人shāngrén merchant
商業shāngyè Business
shàng superior
shàng superior
上當shàngdàng fooled
上帝shàngdì God
上街shàngjiē take to the street