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level: Into to Plant Communities

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Into to Plant Communities

What is a plant community?Naturally occurring assemblage of plant species that interact with each-other and their physical environment
What are the 4 factors that influence the type of plant community? Explain.Biotic factor: Living factors, do humans live there? Past and present. Other plants and animals Edaphic factors: related to soil. Physiography: topography, slope, canyons, ridges, elevations Climate: Temp, wind, precipitation.
How to determine plant dominance?Size, abundance.
Difference between Woodland, Forest, ScrubWoodland: low density trees Forest: Higher density trees Scrub: drought tolerant bushes
Explain Ecological successionThe plant community changes due to disturbances.
What plant community is this?Salt marsh
What is this plant community?Salt grass
What plant community?Coastal strands
What plant community?Coastal sage scrub
plant community?Chapparal
Plant community?Riparian
Plant community?grasslands
Plant community?Oak Woodland
Has sequoias, ponderosa pines, white fursLower montane forest
Has lodgepole pines and red fursUpper Montane Forest
What is just below tree lineSub alpine
What is above tree lineAlpine
What plant community?Sagebrush Scrub
Plant community?Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
What kind of tree?Singleleaf Pinyon
What kind of tree?Juniper
Plant community?Joshua Tree woodland
Plant community?Creosote Bush Scrub
What plant?Creosote bush
Plant community?Desert Wash
What plant?Palo Verde
What tree?Smoke tree
What plant community?Palm Oasis