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Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level UP 1

New YorkNueva York
everydaytodos la días
everymorningtodos las mañanas
another (nunca hablo "un otro")otro/a
an apartmentun departamento
the wordla palabra
the machinela máquina
the other dayel otro día
one day (nunca hablo UNA día)un día
the streetla calle
the driverel chofer
to the/on the Ra la derecha
to the/on the La la izquierda
the cornerla esquina
the busel ómnibus
the truckel camión
the elevatorel elevador
I believe/I thinkcreo
I think that is terribleCreo que es terrible
I think he/she is charmingCreo que es simpático
I think soCreo que si
I think notCreo que no
the other gentlemanel otro caballero
another manotro hombre
some friends (m.)unos amigos
some friends (f.)unas amigas
every nighttodas las noches
all the womentodas las mujeres
to wear/to carryllevar
moonlight nightsnoches de luna
fresh violetsvioleteas frescas
are (plural of es)son
mexican blanketssarapes
frequently/oftencon frecuencia
your baskettu canasta
women who sellmejeres que venden
the marketel mercado
the trouserslos pantalones
the courtesyla cortesía
the skirtla falda
the shirtla camisa
the meal/lunchla comdia
at 12 o clocka las doce
at 1 o clocka la una
at 8 o clocka las ocho
at 2:30a las dos y media
at 2:15a las dos y cuarto
at a quarter to 3 (2:45)al cuarto para la tres
the clock/watchel reloj
At what time?A qué hora?
At what time is the class?A qué hora es la clase?
the weightel peso
the brushel cepillo
the shout/cryel grito
the changeel cambino
how its everything?Qué tal todo?
I had toTuve que
You had toTuvo que
very pretty/lovelylindo/a
springla primavera
summerel verano
an appointmentuna cita
the interviewla entrrevista
i was sickestuve/a enfermo
you were sickestuvo enfermo/a
i had a coldtuve catarro
I had to workTuve que trabajo
to askpreguntar
he askspregunta
the questionla pregunta
to blameculpar
he blamesculpar
the blamela culpar
prettier/more prettymás bonito
the prettiestel más bonito
the fattestel más grodo
stranger/more strangemás raro/a
the worseel peor
the bestel mejor
so bigtan grande
so talltan alto
so uglytan feo
so muchtanto/a
so manytantos/tantas
so much cheesetanto queso
so many mentantos hombres
so much souptanta sopa
so many blousestantas blusas
there is so much traffichay tanta tráfico
there are so many problems/difficultieshay tantas dificultades
the thinglas cosa
many thingsmuchas cosa
the viewla vista
crystal wateragua cristalina
the palm treeslas palmeras
How lovely!Qué lindo/a!
the blue skyel cielo azul
the bathel baño
the streetla calle
the roomel cuarto
sun bathel baño de sol
the shipel barco
Did you come by boat?Vino en barco?
What did you do?Qué hizo?
I did many thingsHice muchas cosas
Did you have?Tuvo tu?
the beachla playa
with my cousinscon mis primos
Did you go?Fué?
I wentFuí
i have preparedhe preparado
Have you recieved?ha recibido?
we have startedhemos comenzando
Have they ended?han terminado?
to begincomenzar
to sendmandar
to changecambiar
to travelviajar
to have (infinitive)haber
the tripel viaje
the travelerel viajero
to attendasistir
to runcorrer
some contractsunos contractos
this yeareste años
I have answeredhe contestando
I have senthe mandado
I have attendedhe asistado
an educated manun hombre educado
i have educatedhe educado
still not finished /I havent finished yettodavía no he terminado
to paypagar
i paidpagué
you paidpagó
to punishcastigar
to play (a game)jugar
to play (an instrument)/knock on the door/to touchtocar
i publishpubliqué
to publishpublicar
to explainexplicar
to arrivellegar
we arrive & we arrivedllegamos
they arrivellegan
they arrivedllegaron
to take outsacar
the rentla renta
on timea tiempo
to earn/gain/winganar
at 8 o'clocka las ocho
the birthdayel cumpleaños
the doorbellel timbre
How much forCuánto pagó por
that horseese callabo
have you paid the bill?ha pagado la cuenta?
Robert is playing tennisRobertó está jugando tenis
this montheste mes
that yearesa año