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level: Level 29

Questions and Answers List

20220226 - 20220314

level questions: Level 29

to go to war打仗 daa2 zoeng3
Russia俄羅斯 ngo4 lo4 si1
Ukraine烏克蘭 wu1 hak1 laan4
to be brave enough; to dare; to venture敢 gam2
weapons武器 mou5 hei3
Portuguese egg tart葡撻 pou4 taat1
you're going out?nei5 ceot1 gaai1 aa4?
same; identical同一 tung4 jat1
immediatelyzik1 hak1
sound recording錄音 luk6 jam1
to close down; to be out of businesszap1 lap1
to get up起身 hei2 san1
soundly sleepfan3 dak1 hou2 nam6
1 snake一條蛇 jat1 tiu4 se4
of course梗係gang2 hai6
don't want to make things dirty唔好 整 污糟 m4 hou2 zing2 wu1 zou1
to turn one's body擰轉身 ning6 zyun3 san1
world peace世界和平 sai3 gaai3 wo4 ping4
interesting好玩 hou2 waan2
tall buildings in general; skyscrapers高樓大廈 gou1 lau4 daai6 haa6
strange (unfamiliar)陌生 mak6 sang1
former vs latter上集 vs 下集 soeng6 zaap6 vs haa6 zaap6
suggestion; to suggest建議gin3 ji5
old castle古堡 gu2 bou2
city城市sing4 si5
village鄉村hoeng1 cyun1