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level: Second Lesson

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Second Lesson

The HatLe Chapeau
The TrunkLa Malle
The umbrellaLe parapluie
The overcoatLe pardessus
The footwearLa chaussure
The suitcaseLa valise
The chairLa chaise
The bagLe sac
The tableLa table
The gloveLe gant
The jacketLe veston
The waistcoatLe gilet
The tieLa cravate
The collarLe collier
The dressLa robe
The handkerchiefLe mouchoir
The trouserLe pantalon
The shirtLa chemise
The slipperLa pantoufle
The coatLe manteau
The shoela chaussure
The underwearLa lingerie
The blouseLa blouse
The bootLa bottine
The jacketla jaquette
The skirtLa jupe
The bracesLes bretelles
The suspendersLes jarretelles