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level: 3.3 - Las Religiones

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 3.3 - Las Religiones

fortune-tellingla adivinación
scopeel ámbito
wide rangela amplia gama
apostasyla apostasía
leaning onapoyado en
to hurryapresurarse
fastingel ayuno
witchla bruja
witchcraftla brujería
burst of laughterla carcajada
candleel cirio
committed tocomprometido
convertel converso
to conveneconvocar
religionel culto
facingde cara a
deityla deidad
deviationla desviación
to deviatedesviar
to doubleduplicar
to establishentablar
to hand overentregar
ladderla escalera
scornel escarnio
to spitescupir
to show offestrenar (ropa)
to experienceexperimentar
facadela fachada
to pretendfingir
to attendfrecuentar
springla fuentecilla
to gain groundganar terreno
hereticel hereje
boostel impulso
to instituteinstituir
to succeedlograr
orderel mandato
to hinderobstaculizar
stonela pedrada
to pursueperseguir
firecrackerel petardo
to try (a case)procesar
related torelacionado con
noosela soga
magicel sortilegio
fabricel tejido
witnessel testigo
to shivertiritar
courtel tribunal
score (20)la veintena
to defeatvencer
to monitorvigilar