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level: Level 1 of Nutrient Cycles

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Nutrient Cycles

What is eutrophication?too much nitrogen in a freshwater habitat
What do we mean by cycling when we talk about nutrients?The nutrients pass from organism to organism
Which nutrients can be cycled?carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, minerals and water
Where do organisms get their energy from?photosynthesis (plants) and food (animals)
How do these nutrients leave living organisms and become recycled?wastes and death
What are decomposers?bacteria and fungi - the things that are doing the decomposing
What percentage of the air is nitrogen?78%
Where is nitrogen present?nitrogen is present in all living things including the human body and plants
Nitrous oxide?Nitrous oxide (N20) also known as laughing gas is used in hospitals and dental clinics as an anaesthetic
Nitric acid?NHO3 is a strong acid often used in the production of fertilisers
What is nitrogen required formaking cell membranes, enzymes, hormones and DNA
What is nitrogen fixation?getting nitrogen from the air to a food chain
What kind of organisms carry out nitrogen fixation?n-fixing bacteria
Where are the 2 places that nitrogen fixation happens?soil and legume root nodules
What plants have root nodules?legumes - peas and beans
Why are these described as fertiliser factories?they make nitrates (fertiliser for plants)
Word equation for nitrogen fixationnitrogen gas --> ammonium compounds --> nitrates
What is nitrification?getting nitrogen from a food chain back to the soil
What are detritivores?organisms that break down waste - worms and woodlice
What are decomposers?fungi and bacteria that convert nitrogen in protein to ammonium compounds
What kind of organisms carry out nitrification?nitrifying bacteria
Where does nitrification happen?soil
word equation for nitrificationammonium compounds --> nitrates
What is denitrification?getting nitrogen from the soil back to the air
What kind of organisms carry out denitrification?denitrifying bacteria
Where does denitrification happen?waterlogged soil (no oxygen)
word equation for denitrificationsoil nitrates --> nitrogen gas
What is eutrophication?too much nitrogen in a freshwater habitat