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level: Articles in a bedroom

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Articles in a bedroom

The CurtainLe rideau
the storeLe store
The sofaLe divan
the bedLe lit
blanketLa couverture
The quiltL'édredon
The mattressLe matelas
The bedsheetLe drap de lit
The pillowL'oreiller
The bolsterLe traversin
The bedside rugLa descente de lit
The slipperLa pantoufle
The bedside tableLa table de nuit
The bedside lampLa lampe de chevet
The power outletLa prise de courant
the alarmLe réveil
A wardrobeUne armoire
MirrorLa glace
The sprayerLe vaporisateur
The Powder BoxLe poudrier
the powder puffLa houppette
the brushLa brosse
The combLe peigne
The drawerLe tiroir