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level: Nouns

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Nouns

(46) añoyear
(59) veztime (specific occurence)
(65) díaday
(69) cosathing
(80) tiempotime
(85) vidalife
(92) partepart, portion
(97) hombreman, mankind, husband
(106) casahouse
(108) personaperson
(109) paíscountry
(119) formaform, shape, way
(120) mujerwoman, wife
(121) momentomoment, time
(123) mundoworld
(126) mediosmeans, resources
(135) manohand
(137) gentepeople
(140) hijoson, children
(144) lugarplace, position
(145) problemaproblem
(152) trabajowork, job, effort
(153) casocase, occasion
(160) horahour, time
(162) padrefather
(164) nochenight, evening
(168) tipotype, kind
(169) ojoeye
(170) maneraway, manner
(173) niñochild, little boy
(176) verdadtruth
(178) ciudadcity
(182) finend
(185) gobiernogovernment
(186) historiahistory, story
(187) ejemploexample
(189) puntopoint, dot, period
(192) palabraword
(196) cuentabill, account
(200) grupogroup
(201) señorsir, Mr., lord
(204) aguawater
(208) arteart, skill
(210) amigofriend
(214) ladoside
(215) nombrename
(221) sistemasystem
(226) madremother
(227) sigiocentury, age
(230) librobook
(232) cuerpobody
(233) familiafamily
(240) tematheme, subject, topic
(244) pueblopeople, village
(247) ideaidea
(252) vozvoice
(259) tierraearth, land, ground
(260) realidadreality, actuality
(265) cabezahead
(266) derechoright, justice, law
(269) callestreet
(271) estadostate, condition, status
(272) relacíonrelationship, relation
(274) puertadoor
(278) luzlight
(279) pasostep, pace
(282) guerrawar
(283) amorlove
(285) situacíonsituation
(288) mesmonth
(290) fuerzastrength, force, power
(294) muertodeath
(296) estudiostudy, learning
(301) semanaweek
(306) rázonreason, to be right
(309) efectoeffect
(310) servicioservice, helpfulness
(316) centrocenter, middle, downtown
(319) cambiochange, instead
(320) claseclass, kind, order
(323) hechofact, happening
(324) númeronumber
(326) informacíoninformation
(333) hermanobrother, siblings
(334) leylaw, bill, rule
(335) sentidosense, feeling
(337) caraface, expression
(338) principiobeginning, principle
(339) programaprogram, plan
(340) musícamusic
(344) actividadactivity, action
(348) acuerdoaccord, in agreement
(352) poderpower
(353) sociedadsociety
(355) diosgod, divinity
(357) épocatime, age, period
(358) colorcolor
(359) zonaarea, zone
(363) caminoroad, route, path
(364) dineromoney
(365) piefoot, base
(366) finalfinally, in the end
(369) desarrollodevelopment