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level: Level 1 of General

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of General

Horizontal ScalingAdds extra servers
Vertical ScalingUpgrading
DurabilityWill my data be there tomorrow
AvailabilityCan I access my data when I need it
Virtual Private GatewayVPN connector on AWS side
Customer GatewayVPN connector on customer side
AMIAmazon machine image
ETLExtract Transfer Load
IaCInfrastructure as Code
AWS Workspaceshost virtual desktops virtual windows or linux
AWS Connectbuild contact centre help desk service
Regionphysical location contains availability zones
Availability zonecontained in a region contains one ore more data centres more AZs than regions
Data Centrecontained in an Availability zone
Edge Locationcache content low latency data closer to users used by CloudFront more edge locations than availability zones
WorkloadEC2 Instance Lambda Container
HSMHardware security module
AuthenticationIdentify who is accessing the system
AuthorizationEvaluating what permissions a user has
AWS SDKenables developers to build libraries and applications in various languages that use AWS services
IaaSInfrastructure as a service virtualised computing resources example: AWS EC2, S3
PaaSPlatform as a service hardware and software infrastructure example: AWS Beanstalk, RDS
SaaSSoftware as a service entire software application example: AWS connect
FaasFunction as a service build function without managing any infrastructure example: AWS Lambda
DaasDesktop as a service cloud virtual desktop example AWS Workspaces
NAT GatewayNetwork Address Translation belongs in your VPC private subnet can connect to the internet
Six advantages of cloud computingTrade fixed expense for variable expense Benefit from economies of scale Stop guessing capacity Increase speed and agility Stop spending money running data centres Go global in minutes
Three cloud computing modelsPaaS IaaS SaaS
Subnetsegment of a VPCs IP address range where you can place groups of isolated resources