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level: LANES

Questions and Answers List

level questions: LANES

Solid/dashed white lines...Separate lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction
A solid white line...1. Indicates the outer edge of the traffic lane 2. Only can be crossed if moving to or from the shoulder
A double solid yellow line in the center of the road...Means passing is not allowed in either direction (Only pass if making a left turn onto or off of the road) This is called a no-passing zone
Double lines ft. a solid and a dashed (broken) yellow lineDon’t pass if the solid yellow line is on your side
Solid yellow line on 4-lane divided roadway or 1-way roadUsually marks the left edge of the pavement
Diagonal yellow stripes...Mean the road is narrowing OR there is an obstruction in the roadway
White line across a traffic lane before an intersectionStop behind the stop line if signal or sign says to stop (Called a stop line)
Lane marked w/ a diamond symbolIs reserved for specific types of vehicles It may be a: High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane, bus lane, bicycle lane
You are allowed to drive on the left of a solid yellow line when...Instructed to do so by: Construction workers, construction signs, cops, traffic cones, or drums
On interstate highways, slower vehicles should travel on the ___ lane, except when passingright lane
If you are driving on a two lane road, it is safest to drive your vehicle...In the center of your lane. (Keep as much space as you can between your vehicle and oncoming vehicles)
On multilane roads, you should...Avoid driving alongside other vehicles (Because someone may crowd your lane or try to change lanes & pull into you)
Before every lane change...1. Check your mirrors 2. Look over your shoulder, check your blind spots. Do NOT take eyes off road for more than a second
If you want to change several lanes on a multi-lane highway...Change them one at a time to reduce the risk of accident
When entering or exiting a freeway, do not cross...A solid white line (The right lane on a freeway should remain for traffic entering or leaving the freeway as much as possible)