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level: Hard

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Hard

theory which proposes that endometrial tissue implants at ectopic sites via retrograde flow of menstrual endometriumretrograde menstruation
theory which holds that endometrial tissue can spread to distant sites via blood vessels and lymphatic channels which explains endometriosis on remote sites such as spinal column and nosebenign metastases theory
postulates that coelemic epithelum retains its potential for multipotential development and metaplasia occurs after and induction phenomenonmetaplastic theory
two distinct pathways by which endometrial carcinoma ariseshyperplasia and sporadic
pathway which is responsible for 75% of endometrial carcinoma cases and arises from a precursor lesionHyperplasia pathway
pathway which is responsible for 25% of endometrial carcinoma cases and does not arise from a precursor lesionSporadic pathway
which endometrial ca pathway is more aggressive?Sporadic pathway
choriocarcinoma that arises from which pathway responds well to chemotherapy?gestational pathway
choriocarcinoma that arises from which pathway responds poorly to chemotherapy?germ cell pathway
staining of Paget cellsPAS+ keratin + S100-
staining of melanonmaPAS- keratin - S100+
immunohistochemical staining of rhabdomyoblastdesmin and myoglobin
serum marker used to monitor treatment response and screen for recurrence of surface epithelial carcinomasCA-125
marker elevated in choriocarcinomaβ-hCG
proteins that High risk HPV produceE6 and E7
E6 results in the increased destruction of what?p53
E7 results in the increased destruction of what?Rb
hormone responsible for the proliferative phaseestrogen
hormone responsible for the secretory phaseprogesterone
loss of support from this hormone results to the menstrual phaseprogesterone
common mutation in sporadic path in endometrial cap53
hormone that acts on theca cellsleuteinizing hormone
hormone that stimulates granulosa cellsfollicle stimulating hormone
mutation that carries an increased risk for serous carcinomaBRCA1