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level: ABC's

Questions and Answers List

Roots starting with A,B,and C

level questions: ABC's

[A/AN] agnostic, amoral, anomaly, anonymous, apathy, atheist, atrophy, atypicalNOT, WITHOUT
[AB] abdicate, abduct, abhor, abject, abnormal, abolish, abstinence, abstract, abstruseOFF, AWAY FROM, APART, DOWN
[ABLE/IBLE] changeable, combustible, durable, indubitable, inevitable, laudable, tolerable, variableCAPABLE OF, WORTHY OF
[AC/ACR] acerbic, acid, acrid, acrimonious, acumen, acute, exacerbateSHARP, BITTER, SOUR
[AD] (often the 'd' is dropped and the first letter after the 'a' is doubled) accede, adapt, addict, address, adequate, adhere, adjacent, adjoin, admire, advocate, accede, affiliate, aggregate, allocate, annunciation, appall, arrest, assiduous, attractTO, TOWARD, NEAR
[AMBI/AMPHI] ambidextrous, ambient, ambiguous, amphibian, amphitheaterBOTH, ON BOTH SIDES, AROUND
[AMBL/AMBUL] amble, ambulance, ambulatory, perambulator, preambleTO GO, TO WALK
[ANIM] animadversion, animal, animate, animosity, equanimity, magnanimous, pusillanimous, unanimousOF THE LIFE, MIND, SOUL, BREATH
[ANT/ANTE] ancient, antebellum, antecedent, antechamber, antedate, antediluvian, anterior, anticipate, antiquityBEFORE
[ANTI] antagonism, antibody, anticlimax, antidote, antipathy, antiphony, antipodal, antiseptic, antithesisAGIANST, OPPOSITE
[AQUA/AQUE] aquamarine, aquarium, aquatic, aquatint, aqueduct, subaqueousWATER
[AUTO] autism, autobiography, autocrat, autograph, automatic, automaton, autonomySELF
[BELL] antebellum, bellicose, belligerent, rebel, rebellionWAR
[BEN/BENE] benediction, benefactor, benefit, benevolent, benignGOOD
[BI/BIN] biennial, bifocals, bifurcate, bilateral, bilingual, binocular, binomial, bipartisan, biped, combinationTWO
[BON/BOUN] bona fide, bonus, bountiful, bounty, debonairGOOD, GENEROUS
[BREV/BRID] abbreviate, abridge, brevet, breviary, breviloquent, brevity, briefSHORT, SMALL
[BURS] bursar, bursary, disburse, reimbursePURSE, MONEY
[CARD/CORD/COUR] accord, cardiac, cardiograph, cardiology, concord, concordance, cordial, discord, encourage, recordHEART
[CARN] carnage, carnal, carnival, carnivorous, incarnation, reincarnationFLESH
[CAUS/CAUT] caustic, cauterize, cautery, encaustic, holocaustTO BURN
[CED/CEED/CESS] abscess, accede, antecedent, cessation, concede, exceed, incessant, precede, predecessor, proceed, recede, recess, secede, succeedTO GO, TO YIELD, TO STOP
[CELER] accelerant, accelerate, celerity, decelerateSPEED
[CENT] bicentennial, cent, centennial, centigrade, centigram, centiliter, centimeter, centipede, century, percentHUNDRED, HUNDREDTH
[CHROM] chromatic, chrome, chromosome, monochromaticCOLOR
[CHRON] anachronism, chronic, chronicle, chronology, chronometer, synchronizeTIME
[CIRCU/CIRCUM] circuit, circuitous, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumspect, circumstanceAROUND
[CO/COL/COM/CON] coerce, collaborate, collide, commensurate, communicate, compare, compatible, conciliate, connectWITH, TOGETHER
[COGN/CONN] cognition, cognizance, incognito, recognize, reconnaissance, reconnoiterTO KNOW
[CONTRA/CONTRO/COUNTER] contradict, contrary, controversy, counter, counteract, counterattack, counterfeit, countermand, counterpart, counterpoint, encounterAGAINST
[CORP/CORS] corporation, corps, corpse, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, corset, incorporationBODY
[COSM] cosmetic, cosmic, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmos, microcosmORDER, UNIVERSE, WORLD
[CRE/CRESC/CRET] accretion, accrue, creation, excrescence, increase, incrementTO GROW
[CRED] accredit, credentials, credible, credit, creditable, credo, credulity, creed, incredible, incredulousTO BELIEVE, TO TRUST
[CRYPT] apocryphal, crypt, cryptic, cryptography, cryptologyHIDDEN
[CUB/CUMB] concubine, cubicle, incubate, incubus, incumbent, recumbent, succubus, succumbTO LIE DOWN
[CULP] culpable, culprit, exculpate, inculpate, mea culpaFAULT, BLAME