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level: Percentages, fractions and decimals

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Percentages, fractions and decimals

What do decimals, percentages and fractions all have in common?They are part of a whole number
How is a fraction written down?One number over the top of the other, separated by a line
How would you work out a decimal figure from a fraction?Divide the top number by the bottom number
How do you work out a percentage from a decimal figure?Multiply the number by 100
How do you work out a decimal from a percentage figure?Divide the number by 100
How do you convert a decimal figure into a fraction?Put the number after the decimal point on top, and a figure to the power of 10 underneath, with the same amount of zeroes as there are numbers in the top figure
All fractions overall are equal in size, however the top and bottom numbers can be..Different
How do you work out larger figures in fractions, that are equal in size?Multiply top and bottom figures by the same number
How do you work out smaller figures in fractions, that are equal in size?Divide top and bottom figures by the same number
What is the top number in a fraction called?Numerator
What is the bottom number in a fraction called?Denominator
How would you find the percentage figure of a number using decimals?Divide the number by 100, then multiply the resulting decimal figure by the percentage figure
When it comes to rounding decimal numbers up or down, what is the name of the number used to determine which way to round the decimal number off?Decider
Which number do you use as the decider when rounding a decimal figure up or down?The number to the right of the last digit of decimal places you are rounding off to
If the decider number is four or less when rounding off a decimal figure, would you round up or down?Down
If the decider number is five or more when rounding off a decimal figure, would you round up or down?Up
If the decider number is nine, for instance in the number 12.599 to two decimal places, how would you round this off?Adjust the two numbers to the next figure, i.e. 12.60
What is the definition of significant figures when rounding off numbers with decimal places?The first number that isn't 0
From looking at the number 12.36578, what would be the decider if you was rounding to two decimal places?Five