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level: Parts of the Derrick

Questions and Answers List

Cargo Handling Equipment, Definitions, Cargo Handling Gear

level questions: Parts of the Derrick

"u"Derrick head span block
"n"Preventer blocks
"i"Goose neck
"l"Portal mast
"t"Upper cargo block
"e"Mast head cargo lead block
"p"Cross tree
"d"Mast head span fitting
"g"Mast head span lower block
"a"Mast head cargo lower block
"m"Slewing guy tackle
"b"Derrick boom
"h"Mast head span lead block
"o"Upper slewing guy pendants
"q"Derrick head built-in sheave
"J"Mast head span block
"f"Lower cargo block
"s"Cargo runner