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level: Substantiv - Die Kleider

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Substantiv - Die Kleider

a camisadas hemd
a calçadie hose
o casacoder mantel
a meiadie socke
o sapatoder schuh
os shortsdie shortsä
a cuecadie unterwäsche
o sutiãder bh
a blusadie bluse
os jeansdie jeans
o cintoder gürtel
o chapéuder hut
a gravatadie krawatte
o vestidodas kleid
a saiader rock
as botasdie stiefel
o lenço de pescoçodas halstuch
a luvader handschuh
a sandáliadie sandale
o pijamader pyjama
o cachecolder schal
o gorrodie mütze
os óculosdie brille