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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Blood plasma is comprised mainly ofWater
What is the best description of anaemiadysfunctional or lack of red blood cells
Average amount of blood in human body?4-6L
A person with A blood group hasAntigen A in their red blood cells and Antibody B in their plasma
What blood group is the universal donor?O
What is the function of Leukocytesto defend against virus's, bacteria etc
Haemostasis usually takes4-6 minutes
4 steps of haemostasis?Vasoconstriction Platelet Plug formation Coagulation Fibrinolysis
where are blood cells formed?Bone marrow
Main function of erythrocytesTo carry oxygen
what is blood comprised oferythrocytes, leukocytes, plasma and platelets
functions of bloodtransport, protection and regulation
someone with o- blood can get?only o- blood
what is thalassemialess haemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood
what is aplastic anaemiadepression of RBC due to destruction of the bone marrow
what is leukopenia?abnormally low leucocyte levels
what is leukaemiacancerous bone marrow making too many WBC and makes abnormal WBC, RBC and platelets
what is thrombocytopenia?low thrombocytes/platelet levels
a person with AB blood has?Antigen A and antigen B on their red blood cells and no antibodies
what is haemoglobinIt is a protein found in red blood cells that binds with oxygen