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level: nervous

Questions and Answers List

level questions: nervous

To commence an action potential, the nerve axon must become permeable tosodium and potassium
The neurotransmitter that stimulates muscle cells isAcetylcholine
signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s diseaseTremor, bradykinesia, muscle rigidity
CSF fluid circulates within theVentricles of the brain
The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system causesIncreased HR, increased RR, increased BP, decreased digestion eg fight/flight
where to afferent pathways go?to the brain
what part of the brain is responsible to controlling breathingthe brain stem
Multiple sclerosis is a disorder that causes what?destruction of the myelin sheaths
what is neuropathy?damage to or disease affecting nerve function
2 divisions of the nervous systemCNS and PNS (peripheral nervous system)
4 regions of the braincerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon and brain stem
4 parts of the cerebrumfrontal, temporal, parietal and occipital
3 parts of the diencephalonthalamus, hypothalamus and epithalamus (the trithalamus')
3 parts of the brain stemmidbrain, pons and medulla oblongata
how many layers are in the meninges3, dura mater (outer), arachnoid mater (middle) and pia mater (inner)
2 ANS subdivisionssympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (relaxation)
what is encephalitisinflammation of the brain tissue
meningitis is mainly caused by?a bacteria
2 types of stokes and what are they caused byischaemic (blocked artery) and hemorrhagic (bleed in brain)
what is a TIAtransient ischaemic attack
what is a seizureis abnormal brain activity
what causes Parkinson's diseaselow dopamine levels
what is ICPincreased intracranial pressure