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level: Motor Areas (Lecture 6)

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level questions: Motor Areas (Lecture 6)

Upper motor neuronsa neuron that extends from the cerebral cortex or brainstem to synapse with a lower motor neuron (usually in the spinal cord).
Lower motor neuronsis a multipolar neuron which connects the upper motor neurone (UMN) to the skeletal muscle it innervates.
See image.Label the image
Contralateral and Inverted.The representation of the body parts of the body, on the brain are ______________ However, several facial muscles are represented bilaterally
somatotopicThe body representation of motor neurons are organized in a _____________ manner with the feet at the upper medial region of the gyrus and the face at the lower lateral region
the "complexity of function" done by the "muscle". So, muscles of hands and tongue occupies 50% of this areaArea of representation of the motor neurons in the brain is proportional to ________ __ _______ done by the ______________?
sensory feed-back input from the muscle and joint proprioceptors to provide information about the actual motor performanceThalamus &Somatic Sensory Area
Neural connections of the same side providing higher control of it's muscle's activityThe premotor & supplemental motor
Planning and programming of motor actions, and coordination and regulation of movements.The basal ganglia & cerebellum
providing it with information about the spatial relations of the body to the external environment.The visual & auditory cortices
This area determins the appropriate course of motor action suitable with the surrounding environmentThe prefrontal area
coordinating bilateral motor activities performed by both sides of the body .The motor areas of the opposite hemisphere
- They discharge the descending motor commands that produce voluntary movements. - Control the tone of distal muscles.What is the over all goal of motor-neural connections (2)
Primary Motor AreaThe premotor area lies immediately anterior to the lateral regions of WHICH AREA?
Premotor AreaWhat area occupies a large portion of area 6, and is bounded superiorly ^ by the supplemental motor area.
1. Adjusting posture/controling muscle tone (Unconcious) 2. Establishing the motor programs necessary for execution of complex movements. (Unconcious) 3. Innitiate unconcious supplimentary movements (Unconcious; arms swinging while walking) 4. Grasp Reflex (Primitive, Unconcious) 5. Influences autonomic activity, such as heart rate/respiration (Unconcious)What are some of the roles of the Premotor Area?
Broca's Area (Speech) VOLUNTARY Eye Movements COMPLIMENTARY head turn towards visual focus Exner's Area (Hand Skills)What are some highly specialized areas found in the Premotor Area?
1. Complex movements which often involve both sides of the body e.g.: causing both hands to perform a motor act together 2. Asissts the Premotor Area in programing complex movementsWhat is the Supplimental Motor Area in charge of?