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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

the cookieil biscotto
the cupla tazza
ice creamgelato
the carrotla carota
the fruitil frutto
the plateil piatto
the beansi fagioli
the bananala banana
the candyla caramella
the foodil cibo
the beerla birra
the butteril burro
the bowlla ciotola
the cakela torta
the bottlela bottiglia
the breakfastla colazione
the lunchil pranzo
the beefil manzo
the sugarlo zucchero
the fishil pesce
the dinnerla cena
the cheeseil formaggio
the cookil cuoco
the eggl'uovo
a drinkla bevanda
the chickenil pollo
the forkla forchetta
the spoonil cucchiaio
the knifeil coltello
the grapesl'uva
the garlicl'aglio
the glassbicchiere
the bottlela bottiglia
the strawberryla fragola
the lemonil limone
the dessertil dolce
the steakla bistecca
the lemonadela limonata
the jamla marmellata
the orangel'arancia
the juiceil succo
icedi ghiaccio
to grillgrigliare
the ingredientsgli ingredienti
the meatla carne
the menuil menu
the mealil pasto
the onionla cipolla
the porkil maiale
the oill'olio
the vinegarl'aceto
the potatola patata
the recipela ricetta
the pepperil pepe
the saltil sale
the saladl'insalata
the riceil riso
the applela mela
the peachla pesca
the restaurantil ristorante
the soupla zuppa
the sausagela salsiccia
the turkeyil tacchino
to eat dinnercenare
the tomatoesil pomodoro
to eat lunchpranzare
the wineil vino
the vegetablesle verdure
the mushroomil fungo
the waiteril cameriere
the broccolii broccoli