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Art and Archaeology of Ancient Italy

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Author: Siena Failla



Ara Pacis, Altar of Augustan Peace, on Campus Martius, built between 13 and 9 BCE by senate in honor of Augustus, commissioned on 4 July 13 BCE, dedicated on 30 January 9 BCE (Livia's bday), dedicated to Pax (Roman goddess of peace), located in the Ara Pacis Museum, relocated when it was excavated, reliefs outside, follows plan of a Greek or Hellenistic altar, decoration is Roman, 2 procession scenes (static, low relief, overall more Roman in style), small myth scenes (style has more Greek inspiration), polychrome (painted), nature motif around lower half of the outer walls, shows order in nature, meander between nature and narrative reliefs, shows fertility in new empire, excavation pushed by Mussolini who adopted some of the imagery as fascist imagery.

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