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Bosor b'Cholov - Yagdil 5783

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Rama: 87:10ֲ - If the milk left in the keiva of the animal was liquid, but became solid after the animal was dead, what are the 2 opinions and the Rama's conclusion?

Author: Rabbi Berel Bell


ואם היה הקיבה צלול מתחילה ונקרש יש לו דין צלול (בית יוסף בשם רשב"א ובשם הפוסקים) ויש מקילין בזה (ש"ד ובית יוסף בשם המרדכי) ובמקום הפסד יש להקל if the [milk in] the stomach was liquidy at first and became solidified, it has the law of liquidy [milk]. And there are those that are lenient in this matter, and in a case of monetary loss, there is room to be lenient.

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