Biology - Variation, chromosomes, genes and DNA
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27 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
The cord attached to a human fetus to the placenta | Umbilical cord |
The shape of DNA | Double helix |
Type of variation where the characteristics can be used to divined up a population into distinct groups | Discrete variation |
Fertilisation happen here | Oviduct |
Define a species | A group of similar organisms that interbreed to produce fertile offspring |
Explain fertile | An organism can produce gamest that are viable |
Explain what infertile and sterile mean | Sterile means that an organism is unable to produce gametes that are fertile |
Give an example of similar organisms that interbreed to produce hybrid offspring which is sterile | Liger, mule |
Describe discrete variation | A characteristic that can be used to dived up the population into distinct groups like hair eye colour |
Describe continuous variation | A characteristic that varies from on extreme to another like how much you way |
What does genetic information state | The characteristics or appearance of an organism |