IELTS Vocabs for Sunday Sec
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39 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Metropolitan | City |
Investment | Act of using money to earn more money |
Sewage | Waste carried from homes in a system of underground pipes |
Monitor | To observe |
Rosy | Promising, optimistic |
Legislation | Set of laws |
Effluent | Liquid released as waste |
Disparate | Separate |
Stakeholder | Person or business who has invested money |
Aspect | A part of something |
Flank | The side of something |
Wield | To hold |
Well-being | The state of being happy, healthy or successful |
Tip | The pointed end |
Vessel | Ships |
Moor | To park a ship with ropes |
Remit | To send, to cancel |
Centralisation | To bring under the control of 1 authority |
Accountability | Responsibility in dealing with something |
Indigenous | Local |
Acclimatisation | The adaptation to a new climate, place, situation |
Exotic | Very different, strange |
Disperse | To spread apart |
Authorised | To be permitted |
Temperate | Not too hot or too cold weather |
Tropical | Too hot weather |
Confine | To keep someone within limit |
Annual | Yearly |
Scheme | Plan |
Depression | Time when little economic activity |
Severe | Very serious |
Drought | Long time with no rain |
Slaughter | Killl |
Willingness | The mind to do something |
Impose | To cause, place something |
Restraint | Limitation |
Exacerbate | Worsen |
Depletion | The act of emptying something |
Levy | Tax |