Latin via Ovid Chapters 8 through 10
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Ager, agri, m. | Field |
Auxilium, -ii, n. | Aid, help |
Bracchium, -ii, n. | Arm, limb |
Concilium, -ii, n. | Plan, counsel |
Fistula, -ae, f. | Reed pipe, pipes of Pan |
Fuga, -ae, f. | Flight, escape |
Pān, m. | Pan (a forest divinity, satyr) |
Papyrus, -i, f. | Papyrus, reed |
Гіра, -ае, f. | Bank (of a river) |
Satyrus, i, m. | Satyr |
Sonus, -i m. | Sound |
Syringa, -ae, f. | Syrinx (a nymph) |
Unda, -ae, 1 | Wave, water, stream |
Cēló, -āre, -ãvi, -ātum | Hide, conceal |
Erro, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Wander |
Fugito, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Flee, avoid, shun |
Maneo, ēre, mansi, mansum | Remain, stay |
Puto, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | To think, to consider |
Suspiro, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Breathe |
Teneo, -ēre, -ui, tentum | Hold, keep, possess, have |
Umbrosus, -a, -um | Shady |
Cēterus, -a, -um | Other, rest of |
Dēnsus, -a, -um | Thick, dense |
Miser, -era, -erum | Wretched, unhappy, miserable |
Nüllus, -a, -um | No, none |
Umbrosus, -a, -um | Shady |
Aeternum | Forever |
Autem | But, however |
Donec | Until, up to the time when |
Olim | Once, once upon a time, formerly |
Quamquam | Although |
Sic | Thus |
Statim | Immediately |
Tamen | Nevertheless |
Trāns + acc. | Across |
Tēcum | With you |
Mēcum | With me |
Nobiscum | With us |
Võbiscum | With you (pl.) |
Arcadia, -ae, f. | Arcadia |
Arcas, Arcadis, m. | Arcas (son of Callisto) |
Caelum, i, n. | Sky, the heavens |
Callisto, f. | Callisto (a nymph) |
Dēlectāmentum, -i, n. | Delight |
Iaculum, i, n. | Javelin |
Ira, -ae, f. | Wrath |
Lūno, f. | Juno (queen of the gods) |
Mūsa, -ae, f. | Muse |
Somnus, -i, m. | Sleep |
Stella, -ae, f. | Star |
Ursa, -ae, f. | Bear |
Vestimentum, -i, n. | Garment, clothes |
Victor, victoris, m. | Victor |
Vitta, -ae, | Fillet, band |
Appropinquo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Approach |
Cūrō, -āre, -avi, ätum | Care for |
Ēvito, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Avoid, shun |
Iaceo, -ēre, -ui | Lie (at rest) |
Retineo, -ēre, -ui, -tentum | Keep, hold back, restrain |
Alius, -a, -ud; alii ... alii | Other; some ... others |
Carus, -a, -um + dat. | Dear (to) |
Formosus, -a, -um | Beautiful, shapely |
Grātus, -a, -um + dat, | Pleasing (to) |
Herbosus, -a, -um | Grassy |
Neglectus, -a, -um | Neglected |
Nõtus, -a, -um | Familiar, well-known |
Pretiosus, -a, -um | Costly |
Sölus, -a, -um | Alone, lone, only |
Aut | Or |
Cuius | Whose (sing.) |
Eius | His, her, its |
Propter + acc. | On account of, because of |
Sēcrēto | Secretly |
Si | If |
Adultera, -ae, f. | Adulteress |
Animal, (pl. -alia), n. | Animal |
Bracchium, -ii, n. | Arm, branch |
Causa, -ae, f. | Cause, reason |
Figūra, -ae, f. | Form, shape, figure |
Iniūria, -ae, f. | Injury, hurt, wrong |
Matricidium, -ii, n. | Matricide |
Poena, -ae, 1 | Punishment |
Sēnsa, -örum, n. pl. | Sense, feeling |
Tempus, oris, n. | Time, times |
Vēnátor, m. | Hunter |
Verbum, i, n. | Word |
Villus, i, m. | Shaggy hair |
Vox, võcis, f. | Voice |
Absum, abesse, afui, āfuturum | Be absent, be away |
Adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturum | Be present, be near |
Exspecto, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Await, wait for |
Fugito, -āre, -āvi, -atum | Flee, avoid, shun |
Horresco, -ere, horrui | Grow rough |
Tendo, -ere, tetendi, tentum or-sum | Stretch out, extend |