Morris Catholic Latin III List 1
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134 questions
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Speculum, -i (n) | Mirror |
Neglegenter (adv) | Carelessly |
Vexatus, -a, -um | Annoyed |
Cuius | Whose |
Glis, gliris (m) | Dormouse |
Sella, -ae (f) | Sedan, chair |
Summa cleritate | With the greatest speed |
Consurso (1) | To run to and fro |
Porto (1) | To carry |
Delecto (1) | To delight, to amuse |
Mendicus, -i (m) | Beggar |
Adstantes, adstantium (m pl) | By standers |
Rixa, -ae (f) | Quarrel |
Libertus, -i (m) | Freedman |
Fumus, -i (m) | Smoke |
Recumbo, recumbere, recubui | To recline, to lie down |
Aufugio, aufugere, aufugi | To run away, to escape |
Insula, -ae (f) | Island, apartment building |
Vis (f) | Force |
Ac | And |
Incola, -ae (f) | Inhabitant, tenant |
Infirmus, -a, -um | Weak, shaky, frail |
Fenestra, -ae | Window |
Ornamenta, -orum (n pl) | Furnishings |
Parvus, -a, -um | Small |
Tabulatum, -i (n) | Story, floor |
Paene (adv) | Almost |
Eicis, eicere, eieci, eiectus | To throw out |
Quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus | To seek, to ask for, to look for (quaeso = "please" |
Opprimo, opprimee, oppresi, oppressus | To overwhelm |
Cachinnus, -i (m) | Laughter |
Lanius, -i (m) | Butcher |
Caro, carnis (f) | Meat |
Pretium, -i (n) | Price |
Quidem (adv) | Indeed |
Umquam (adv) | Ever |
Procax, procacis | Insolent, pushy |
Autem (conj) | However, but |
Multus, -a, -um | Much |
Denarius, -i (m) | Denarius |
Immo (adv) | Rather, on the contrary |
Lepus, leporis (m) | Hare, rabbit |
Gratis (adv) | Free |
Recte (acd) | Rightly, properly |
Vero (adv) | Truly |
Pasco, pascere, pavi, pastus | To feed, to pasture |
Accipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus | To receive, to get |
Comparo, (1) | To buy, to obtain, to get ready |
Holus, holeris (n) | Vegetable |
Panis, panis (m) | Bread |
Ovum, -i (n) | Egg |
Malum, -i (n) | Apple |
Circum (prep + acc) | Around |
Regnum, -i (n) | Kingdom |
Inferi, -orum (m pl) | The underworkd |
Candelabrum, -i (n) | Lamp stand |
Casu (adv) | By chance |
Oleum -i (n) | Oil |
Stratum, -i (n) | Sheet, covereing |
Pallium, -i (n) | Cloak |
Iussa, -orum (n pl) | Orders |
Coquo, coquere, coxi, coctus | To cook |
Affero, affere, attuli, allatus | To bring in |
Everto, evertere, everti, erversus | To overturn, upset |
Deicio, deicere, deieci, deictus | To throw down |
Effundo, effundere, effudi, effus | To pour out, to spill |
Complures, -es | Several, many |
Comiter (adv) | Courteously, politely |
Solea, -ae (f) | Sandal |
Aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus | To carry away |
Accumbo, accumbere, accubui, accubiturus | To recline (at table) |
Mulsum -i (n) | Sweet wine |
Ferculum, -i (n) | Dish, tray |
Gustatio, gustationes (f) | First course |
Niger, nigra, nigrum | Black |
Boletus, -i (m) | Mushroom |
Liquamen, liquaminis (n) | Fish sauce (garum) |
Aspersus, -s, -um | Sprinkled |
Pestilentia, -ae (f) | Plague |
Poculum, -i (n) | Cup, goblet |
Locus, -i (m) | Place |
Popina, -ae (f) | Tavern, bar, restaurant |
Irrumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus | To burst in |
Frustrum, -i (n) | Scrap |
Una (adv) | Together |
Ceteri, -ae, a | The rest of, the others |
Euge! | Hurray! well done! |
Coquus. -i (m) | Cook |
Uva, -ae (f) | Grape |
Passum. -i (n) | Raisin-wine |