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Rabbi Berel Bell

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Mechaber 99:05 – What are the two descriptions of mevatel isur l’chat’chila [nullify a prohibition]?

Either to put it directly in, or if it fell in, to add more of the heter [permitted food]

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31 questions
Mechaber 99:05 – What are the two descriptions of mevatel isur l’chat’chila [nullify a prohibition]?
Either to put it directly in, or if it fell in, to add more of the heter [permitted food]
Mechaber 99:05 – What is the halacha if it was already done?
If done intentionally, prohibited. If shogeg, permitted.
Mechaber 99:05 – In the case where it is prohibited, prohibited to who?
To the person that did it, and anyone he did it for. Anyother person can consume it.
Mechaber 99:06 – what if the prohibition is rabbinic?
If it was done intentionally and put in directly, prohibited. If it fell in b’shogeg, and one added intentionally, permitted. [See Rama!]
Mechaber 99:07 – What is the law of “keli shefa” [utensil that absorbed tiny amount]?
If it absorbed only a small amount, and the utensil is used in such a way that there will always be more then 60X, permitted to use.
Rama 99:05 – If one adds heter later, is there a problem of ChaNaN [chaticha naaseh neveilah]?
Yes, and therefore even if shogeg will only help where there is no ChaNaN
Rama 99:05 – When does ChaNaN apply/ not apply according to the Rama?
All prohibitions [not just milk and meat], unless both items are dry [yavesh b’yavesh], or – according to some opinions – both are liquids.
Rama 99:05 – The “yesh omrim” quoted by the Rama differentiates -- not between whether intentional or not -- but rather between …..?
Whether someone knew about it before the heter fell in. Only if nobody knew about it will it be permitted.
Rama 99:06 – Regarding a Rabbinic prohibition that was nullified, does the Rama agree with the Mechaber?
No. The Rama says it’s prohibited even if it fell in at first by accident.
Rama 99:06 –What is the law of the prohibition being “chozer v’ni’ur [“waking up”]?
If the 1st time the prohibition was nullified, but then more of the same prohibition falls in, the 2 join together.
Is a ber'yah botel in 60?
No, even in 1000 (or more), the entire mixture is prohibited
What is the halacha if a ber'yah fell into a pot and you can't find it?
What does the Mechaber say about a gid hanasheh that dissolved in the pot?