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Questions and Answers List


What direction (left/right) do you stay on in a roundabout?Keep right of the center island. Travel around the circle until your reach your desired street, then use your right turn signal and exit the roundabout.
When entering a roundabout yield to...Vehicles & bicyclists within the circulating roadway
Saftey check before entering roundabout...Look left to see if there is an approaching gap in traffic
Saftey check before turning at an intersectionUse the left-right-left rule (Look to your left first, because vehicles coming from the left are closer to you. Then look to your right. Then look to your left again)
IntersectionRoad junction where 2 or more roads cross over or merge on the same level (“at grade”)
InterchangeRoad junction where 2 or more roads cross over or merge at different levels
The 3 types of intersections:Controlled, uncontrolled, and blind intersections
The 3 types of interchanges:Diamond, cloverleaf, and stack interchanges
Controlled intersectionsHave signs, signals, and/or pavement markings (Usually controlled by stop sign, yield sign, or traffic signal)
Uncontrolled intersectionsHave no traffic control systems to determine right of way
Right-of-way rules for uncontrolled intersections:1. The vehicle that arrived first has right-of-way 2. If they arrive @ same time, the one on the left must yield 3. Drivers turning left must yield to oncoming traffic always 4. If both vehicles are turning left, they can turn w/o yielding 5. Yield to oncoming traffic & pedestrians already in or about to enter the intersection UNCONTROLLED T-INTERSECTIONS HAVE DIFFERENT RULES: The vehicle on the terminating road (road that ends) must yield to all traffic + pedestrians unless otherwise signed
Blind intersectionsIntersections where you cannot see 100ft in either direction during the last 100 ft before crossing due to obstacles like trees, buildings, hills, sharp curves. Have a limit of 15 mph.
Saftey tips for blind intersections:1. If unsure whether or not to yield, yield just to be safe 2. Honk your horn to alert other drivers of your presence 3. Listen for oncoming traffic 4. Turn on turn signals early to give extra warning 5. Inch forward gradually; scan the area, give yourself time to stop if another vehicle appears
The 3 types of interchanges are...1. Diamond interchange 2. Clover interchange 3. Stack interchange
The 3 types of intersections are...1. Controlled intersection 2. Uncontrolled intersection 3. Blind intersection
An interchange is...A road junction where 2 or more roads cross over one another at different levels
Uncontrolled intersections...Have no traffic control systems to determine right of way
An intersection is...A road junction where 2 or more roads cross over or merge at the same level ("at grade")
Controlled intersections...Have signs, signals, and/or pavement markings (Usually controlled by stop sign, yield sign, or traffic signal)
Right-of-Way rules at an uncontrolled intersection1. The vehicle that arrived first has right-of-way 2. If they arrive @ same time, the one on the left must yield 3. Drivers turning left must yield to oncoming traffic always 4. If both vehicles are turning left, they can turn w/o yielding 5. Yield to oncoming traffic & pedestrians already in or about to enter the intersection UNCONTROLLED T INTERSECTIONS HAVE DIFFERENT RULES: The vehicle on the terminating road (road that ends) must yield to all traffic + pedestrians unless otherwise signed
Blind intersectionsIntersections where you cannot see 100ft in either direction during the last 100 ft before crossing due to obstacles like trees, buildings, hills, sharp curves. Have a limit of 15 mph.
Saftey rules for blind intersections1. If unsure whether or not to yield, yield just to be safe 2. Honk your horn to alert other drivers of your presence 3. Listen for oncoming traffic 4. Turn on turn signals early to give extra warning 5. Inch forward gradually; scan the area, give yourself time to stop if another vehicle appears